The inexperienced GM

Hello and welcome to my blog, in which I'll be reviewing RPGs, while giving some of my own experience running such games. This will, hopefully, give you some insight on how those games actually works, and maybe, give you some tips on how to run them effectively. I'll also talk about games I've played or find interesting and plan on running.

Now, why The Inexperienced GM?

Simply put, because I consider myself to be quite inexperienced, given the fact that I haven't ran that many games. To be completly honest, my first GM experience was running a game at an event a couple of years ago, having only played Tabletop RPGs twice before (In hindsight, not my greatest idea, but at the time it sounded brilliant).
Suffice to say, it was a mess, which ended up with me laughing awkwardly while doing my best so that the players wouldn't end up killing themselves and everyone in town. I learned a lot from that first experience, and I'll probably talk about it in more detail on my next post. Aside from that, I've only ran a couple of other games, with rather mixed results, ranging from "Epic game, I loved it" to "That was pretty OK" to "Well, that's 4 hours of my life that I won't get back".

So yeah, I'm inexperienced (and probably sound like a terrible GM), but I hope you'll find this informative or, at the very least, entertaining, and that you will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing about my great and not so great experiences on the world of Tabletop RPGs.

For now, this is all, but there's more to come, so stay tuned. Also, I apologize in advance for any typo or weird phrases I may use, as english is not my native language.

Thanks for coming, and have a good day.

Next up: OVA, and anime inspired RPG


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