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OVA - The anime inspired Generic RPG

OVA RP G Hello and welcome to the first actual post here in The Inexperienced GM , and what better way to start than with the first game I ever ran: OVA - The anime RPG . OVA RPG (Open Versatile Anime RPG) was created by Clay Gardner after a very successful Kickstarter (this is the 2nd edition of the game), and is, as its name implies, a Generic System designed to run Anime-styled games (Mostly Shonen). The game itself is rather straightforward, but it has a few weird mechanics that require some explaining, so let's get into it: The mechanics: First of all, we're looking at a D6 game, which uses a dice pool for its rolls. You roll a number of D6 vs a target number, or TN (which is a number that depends on the difficulty of the task you're trying to accomplish), compare the result with the TN and, if the roll is equal or higher than the TN, the task succeeds. Sounds simple, right? Well, there's a catch to it. You do roll a number of D6's equal to ( 2 + Levels in rel

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